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Beautiful King James Bibles from Amazon
Support my work helping Christians to meet, buy purchasing a beautiful Old Family Bible for a friend, family member or loved one! I have one of these myself and it was the best acquisition I have ever made in terms of Bibles, since it contains all kinds of additional information, including Biblical times and dates and weights and measure among a few features!
Product description
When the King James translation of the Bible was first published in 1611, it was the first time that many people throughout the English-speaking world were able to read the Old and New Testaments in their native tongue. It proved so wildly popular, in fact, that it was the only book that many families owned. The majestic scope and poetry of the King James translation’s language made an incomparable impact on Western religion, culture, and literature that still resonates today. This gorgeous gift edition also contains over two hundred beautiful, rarely collected full-page illustrations by Gustave Dore (1832-1883).