You got a date – so what’s next?
So you actually managed to do the seemingly impossible these days – meet a Christian man or woman you like at church or somewhere else and get courage to ask them out and they accepted! Well why wouldn’t they – you’re a great person right?!
OK, well here are some things you need to do on your first date with someone. First off, aim to be fun and relaxed on the 1st date – this will make it easier for you to be yourself and give you opportunity to gain a clearer picture of the person you are dating.
Some 1st date guidelines; Take things slowly and don’t worry if things don’t turn out as expected – experience is always the best way to learn! We’ve put together a few starters.
Our 10 top tips for a first date (and subsequent ones!)
- First off – pray to your father before you go that the date will go well – even if it’s not love at first sight remember you are meeting another precious Christian and child of God so whatever happens you both want to edify each other regardless of whether it turns into romance later. Think of this as a friendly meeting to see if you get on – no more – no less!
- Never be late (men!!) – give yourself enough time – get ready early.
- Relax – dating should be “fun” – not a nightmare! On a 1st date – be easy going – a great person to hang out with. With dates, too serious too soon is a good way to put someone off!
- Be confident! If you’re not feeling 100% on your first date, behave as if you are or better, arrange another date to give yourself time to be ready!
- Don’t put yourself down on your date – have reason to be confident – you’re a Christian – a beloved child of God!
- Never make assumptions – always look for the good in the other person.
- Make eye contact and smile! – stay alert and interested.
- Refrain from telling your date everything about you in your first meeting – save something to talk about for later!
- Accept/give compliments – it’ shows that you’re confident!
- Emphasise your similarities and avoid being dismissive of things the other person says or feels strongly about.
- Discuss problems with someone you know well – not a 1st date!
- A first date golden rule… do not look for things to go wrong. If you say “Im going to loose” – even to yourself, it may well become a reality – not because of some super-spiritual new-age reason but simply because you will have a negative countenance that will not be very attractive. A winner thinks and talks positively from the start regardless of the situation because they are a child of God! (remember David and Goliath?).
- Always be polite – even if the date is not going anywhere or the way you wanted it too.
- For first date conversation tips, see good conversation tips & advice.
- Try this for more first date advice….
First Date tips & advice – written by a lady!
Be Interesting!
Make sure you’re up on as many current affairs as possible and do as many interesting things as you can between now and the next time you meet up. It sounds a bit crass but you need to have loads to talk about – or at least, not worry about having to find things to talk about! Before you meet, remember what you learnt about the other person the first time you met. You’ll be able to ask questions and enjoy listening to the answers (people like talking about themselves!). Also, if you want a second date – showing how attentive you are will leave a great impression!
And to finish…
Better to end the date too soon than too late! This could be a challenge as it might be tempting to stay in each others company indefinitely! Pick a good moment to end the episode – preferably on a high – so that you’ll both be eager to meet up again! Last… our best bit of dating advice is don’t think dating, think fun and friendship. Then anything else can happen naturally!